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Granville dynamic


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文章出处:东莞市长鸿电子科技有限公司  编辑:[!--keyword--]  发表时间:2017-04-28 16:08:22

开关力矩: 指VR在开关过程中从ON切换到OFF状态和从OFF切换到ON状态时所使用的力
止动强度: 将轴心(旋钮或推柄)转到VR1脚和3脚末端时,测量其多少力时会破坏掉(旋转的会360度转)
轴向间隙:  轴心与外壳或本体配合间所存在直向拉拔间隙
全回转角度: 是指旋转式VR在从一端的末端转到另一端末端测试量来的角度
全滑动行程: 是指直滑式VR在从一端的末端滑到另一端末端的行程距离
旋转(滑动)力矩: 是指VR从一端末端旋转(或滑动)至另一末端所使用的力.  旋转式用扭力计测试,直滑式用拉力计测试测量
    端子紧度: 指端子铆合后与电阻片紧固程度,测试端与电阻片边缘受力,在标准范围内
轴向晃动: 轴心与外壳或轴心本体配合间所存在的左右晃动量,在标准要求讲,左右受力会有受力标准,产生的晃动间隙也会有间隙量标准中点脱出力: 这种主要是指产品在中间加CLICK(凸点)感的电位器,测试两边CLICK起动时所使用的力目前電位器一般均為電壓調整(voltage divider),電流調整型特點輸出功率大(功率較大電流).碳膜可能加大.(一般指A線性或抽頭型B    選擇"3"端接地碳膜可能會有氧化現象,較易造成碳膜受傷,選擇"1"端接地較為正常.

             Torque switch: refers to VR in the switching process of switching from ON to OFF status and switching from OFF to ON state by the use of forceStopper strength: the axis ( knob or handle ) to the VR1pin and the 3 pin end, measuring the number of forces will destroy ( rotation will be360 degree rotation )Axial clearance: axis and shell or body with straight drawing gap betweenTotal rotational angle: refers to the rotary type VR from the bottom end to the terminal of the other end test to angleThe sliding stroke: refers to the direct slide type VR in from one end to the other end end end sliding distanceRotation torque ( sliding ): refers to VR from one end to rotate ( or sliding ) to the other end by the use of force rotary torque meter test, direct sliding type with a tension meter measurementTerminal: a terminal tightness after riveting and varistor fastening degree, test end and the sheet resistance edge stress, within the scope of the standard
   Axial sway: axis and shell or axis body coordination between sideways momentum, in the standard, stress of the right and the left have force criterion, the sloshing clearance will also have the gap standard point removing force : this mainly refers to the product in the middle of CLICK ( Bump ) sense of the potentiometer, test both CLICK starting to use when power is currently potentiometer are usually of voltage regulation ( voltage divider ), current adjustment characteristic of large output power ( power larger current ) . Carbon membrane may increase. ( generally refers to A linear or tap B choice "3" end grounding carbon film may have oxidation, easy the carbon membrane injury, choose"1" end grounding is normal.

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