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Granville dynamic


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文章出处:东莞市长鸿电子科技有限公司  编辑:[!--keyword--]  发表时间:2017-04-28 16:08:21

       When measuring, using multimeter resistance profile of the appropriate range, the two probes are respectively connected with a potentiometer two fixed pin lug, to measuring potentiometer total resistance with the same nominal value. If the measured resistance is infinite or a nominal resistance is large, then the potentiometer has been open or variable damage.
       整个旋转过程中,表针应平稳变化,而不应有任何跳动现象。若在调节电阻值的过程中,表针有跳动现象,则说明该电位器存在接触不良的故障。 直滑式电位器的检测方法与此相同。
     The entire rotating process, hands should be steady change, and should not have any beat phenomenon. If in the regulation of the resistance value of the process, hand beating phenomenon, the existence of the fault of bad contact potentiometer. Direct sliding type potentiometer detection method with the same.
    Then the two coat are respectively connected with the potentiometer center head and the two fixed terminal at either end, slowly turn the potentiometer handle, make it from one extreme position is rotated to another extreme position, normal potentiometer, multimeter hands instructions from the nominal resistance value of the resistance ( or0 Ω) continuous changes to0 Ω( or nominal value ).

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